Courses from Previous Semesters

Spring 2024

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 211 Discrete Math
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2023

Math 221 Linear Algebra
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2023

Math 211 Discrete Mathematics
Math 302 Advanced Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2022

FYE - The Innovation Economy
Math 202 Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2022

Math 101 Calculus I
Math 141 Introductory Statistics
Math 217 Math, Voting, & Democracy
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2021

Math 221 Linear Algebra
Math 301 Real Analysis
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2021

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 302 Advanced Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2020

Math 101 Calculus I
Math 202 Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2020

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 401 Senior Seminar
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2019

Math 101 Calculus I
Math 141 Introductory Statistics
Math 301 Real Analysis
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2019

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 302 Advanced Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2018

Math 101 Calculus I
Math 202 Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2018

On Sabbatical

Fall 2017

Math 101 Calculus I
Math 104 Calculus II
Math 301 Real Analysis
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2017

Math 101 Calculus I
Math 104 Calculus II
Math 302 Advanced Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2016

Math 202 Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2016

Math 141 Introductory Statistics
Math 217 Voting Theory
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2015

Math 141 Introductory Statistics
Math 221 Linear Algebra
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2015

Math 398 Advanced Cryptography
My Daily Schedule

Fall 2014

Math 221 Linear Algebra
My Daily Schedule

Spring 2014

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 217 Voting Theory
My Spring 2014 Daily Schedule

Fall 2013

FYS Math for Social Justice and Citizenship
Math 351 Number Theory
My Fall 2013 Daily Schedule

Fall 2012, Spring 2013

On Sabbatical

Spring 2012

Math 101 Calculus I
Math 217 Voting Theory
My Spring 2012 Daily Schedule

Fall 2011

Math 301 Real Analysis
My Fall 2011 Daily Schedule

Spring 2011

Math 236 Multivariable Calculus
My Spring 2011 Daily Schedule

Fall 2010

Math 104 Calculus II
My Fall 2010 Daily Schedule

Spring 2010

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 217 Voting Theory
My Spring 2010 Daily Schedule

Fall 2009

FYS Water, water every where
Math 301 Real Analysis
My Fall 2009 Daily Schedule

Spring 2009

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 236 Multivariable Calculus
My Spring 2009 Daily Schedule

Fall 2008

First Year Seminar: Water, water every where
My Fall 2008 Daily Schedule

Spring 2008

Math 141 Introductory Statistics
Math 285 Mathematical and Statistical Consulting
My Spring 2008 Daily Schedule

Fall 2007

Math 217 Voting Theory
Math 301 Real Analysis
My Fall 2007 Daily Schedule

Spring 2007

Math 285 Mathematical and Statistical Consulting
Math 401 Senior Seminar
My Spring 2007 Daily Schedule

Fall 2006

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 331 Geometry
My Fall 2006 Daily Schedule

Spring 2006

Math 102 Calculus I with Economics Applications
Math 401 Senior Seminar
My Spring 2006 Daily Schedule

Fall 2005

Math 217 Voting Theory
My Fall 2005 Daily Schedule

Spring 2005

Math 102 Calculus I with Economics Applications
Math 236 Multivariable Calculus
My Spring 2005 Daily Schedule

Fall 2004

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 331 Geometry
My Fall 2004 Daily Schedule

Spring 2004

On Sabbatical

Fall 2003

Math 102 Calculus I with Economics Applications
Math 217 Voting Theory
My Fall 2003 Daily Schedule

Spring 2003

Math 141 Introductory Statistics
Math 236 Multivariable Calculus
My Spring 2003 Daily Schedule

Fall 2002

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 331 Geometry
My Fall 2002 Daily Schedule

Spring 2002

Math 236 Multivariable Calculus
Math 398 Game & Voting Theory
My Spring 2002 Daily Schedule

Fall 2001

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 236 Multivariable Calculus
Math 301 Real Analysis
My Fall 2001 Daily Schedule

Spring 2001

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 141 Introductory Statistics
Math 398 History of Math
My Spring 2001 Daily Schedule

Fall 2000

On Sabbatical

Spring 2000

Math 141-02 and 141-03 Introductory Statistics
Math 398 Game Theory
My Spring 2000 Daily Schedule

Fall 1999

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 221 Linear Algebra
Math 331 Geometry
My Fall 1999 Daily Schedule

Spring 1999

Math 104 Calculus II
Math 321 Abstract Algebra
My Spring 1999 Daily Schedule

Fall 1998

Math 101 Calculus I
Math 221 Linear Algebra
Math 236 Multivariable Calculus
My Fall 1998 Daily Schedule

Spring 1998

Math 104 Calculus II
Comp 106 Universal Machine
My Spring 1998 Daily Schedule

Fall 1997

Math 101 Calculus 1
Math 104 Calculus II
Math 236 Multivariable Calculus
My Fall 97 Daily Schedule

Spring 1997

Math 101 Calculus 1
Comp 106 The Universal Machine
My Spring 97 Daily Schedule

Fall 1996

Math 101 Calculus I
Comp 215 Algorithms
Math 398 Topology
My Fall 96 Daily Schedule