Comp 106 - Universal Machine
Spring 1998Welcome to the best source of information about Comp 106. I update this often, so you should be sure to check back regularly.
Our primary emphasis this semester is to develop an understanding of the potential and limitations of technology by studying several computing tools. The main aim of this course is not to develop your computer skills (although you certainly will develop some skills!), but rather to focus on using computing technology to solve some interesting problems that we could not solve otherwise.
- Course Policies Project Due Dates Updated March 20
- Tentative Course Syllabus Updated March 2
- Etiquette for using the computers in Room A102 during class.
- Installing the software on your personal machine that we will be using this semester.
- In-class html demos
- Roles for the Wednesday labs
- Corrections to the text, Designing with JavaScript. You will prbably want to print this page out and keep it in your book.
- ResNet has some nice instructions for using Fetch, an ftp client that you can use to access your files on the NT server. You will need to enter the IP address for the address of the Host computer and your usual NT login and password.
Ken Olsen to Visit Class on April 7
Ken Olsen, founder and former CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation, will visit class on April 7 as part of the Wheaton Distinguished Fellows program. Here are a few pages with some background information that you should read before his visit.
- Mr. Olsen's Biography at Advanced Modular Solutions
- Fortune Magazine, Ken Olsen: From Very Small to Very Big and Back Again
- CNNfn, There is life after DEC
HTML Resources and References
As the semester goes on, this will obviously get longer. If you have any favorites to add to the list, just let me know.
- Yahoo's list of backgrounds
- You can select the color for the backgrounds at freeimages.com, which is really pretty cool.
- A Beginner's Guide to HTML at NCSA.
- Netscape's Creating Net Sites is a good jumping off point for html resources.
- The Web Developer's Virtual Library is a great reference for everything related to html.
- Using the W3C Validator Service to check the html in your web pages
Layout by Tommy Ratliff, tratliff@wheatonma.edu
Wheaton College, Norton, MassachusettsLast Modified: