T Ratliff Wheaton College
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Math 401 - Senior Seminar - Spring 2007

  • Course Policies (.pdf file)

  • The assignment for the Reflection Paper (.pdf file).
    Thanks to Bill Fenton at Bellarmine for the idea of this assignment.

  • Some Important Dates

    February 7 Paper for project selected
    February 19 Reflection Paper due
    March 22 Johnson Lecture by Bob Devaney
    March 26 Outline of Final Paper Due
    April 16 Rough Draft of Final Paper Due
    April 20 Outline of Final Presentation due
    April 23 Final Paper for peer review due
    April 25 Abstract of Final Presentation due
    April 30 & May 2 Final Presentations, 6:00-7:30 (pm)
    May 4 Final Paper Due

  Maintained by Tommy Ratliff ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu
Last Modified May 7, 2009 10:14 PM