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My Fall 2009 Daily Schedule

If you have a conflict with my office hours, please drop me a note at ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu and we can set up an appointment for another time.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30 Office Ed Pol 8:30
  Grading and Hours Meeting
9:30 Class Prep Research Research 9:30
  Time Class Prep Time Class Prep
10:30 Math 301 Math 301 Math 301 10:30
  Real Analysis Real Analysis Real Analysis
11:30 Honors Thesis Honors Thesis 11:30
  Class Prep Meeting Class Prep Meeting
12:30 FYS Lunch FYS Lunch 12:30
  Water, water Water, water
  every where every where Office
2:00 Office Hours Faculty 2:00
  Hours Grading and Meeting,
3:00 Class Prep AAUP, 3:00
  Department etc
4:00 Meeting 4:00

Last Modified: Monday, December 28, 2009, 12:27 PM
Maintained by: ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu