I am very interested in using writing assignments in all levels of mathematics courses, especially Calculus, Linear Algebra and Real Analysis. The MAA has published Writing Projects for Mathematics Courses: Crushed Clowns, Cars and Coffee to Go, a book that I co-authored with Annalisa Crannell, Gavin LaRose, and Elyn Rykken. It is available at the bookstore on the MAA website.
I also use pre-class reading assignments in Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Statistics, which has worked out really well. I have an article with Matt Boelkins from January 2001 at MAA Online which talks about these assignments in more detail, and I have shorter article from July of 1997 there as well.
I believe that it is extremely important that upper level students give presentations on significant mathematics. All of the students in my upper level courses give at least one presentation per semester. I am also the local organizer for the Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference.
I have participated since 1994 in Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching), which is a program for recent math PhDs who are interested in improving the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics.
You can find a complete list of my pedagogical publications and presentations on my curriculum vitae.
I think the best way to see my teaching interests is to browse through the webpages for my current courses (linked from my homepage) and my courses from previous semesters.