Project 3

Chris Stuetzle

I call it..."Candyland"

> restart:with(student):with(plots):with(VectorCalculus):with(LinearAlgebra):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined

Warning, the assigned names <,> and <|> now have a global binding

Warning, these protected names have been redefined and unprotected: *, +, ., D, Vector, diff, int, limit, series

Warning, the names &x, CrossProduct and DotProduct have been rebound

> p1:=plot([sin(6*theta)*cos(theta), sin(6*theta)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = magenta, scaling = constrained, thickness = 2):
p45:=plot([.20*cos(theta), (.20)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p46:=plot([.18*cos(theta), (.18)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p47:=plot([.16*cos(theta), (.16)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p2:=plot([.14*cos(theta), (.14)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p48:=plot([.12*cos(theta), (.12)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p49:=plot([.10*cos(theta), (.10)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p50:=plot([.08*cos(theta), (.08)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p51:=plot([.06*cos(theta), (.06)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p52:=plot([.04*cos(theta), (.04)*sin(theta), theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p3:=plot([theta, (2)*(-arcsin(3*theta)), theta = 0..10*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

display(p1, p2, p3, p45, p46, p47, p48, p49, p50, p51, p52);


> p53:=plot([sin(6*theta)*cos(theta) - 3, sin(6*theta)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = magenta, scaling = constrained, thickness = 2):
p54:=plot([.20*cos(theta) - 3, (.20)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p55:=plot([.18*cos(theta) - 3, (.18)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p56:=plot([.16*cos(theta) - 3, (.16)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p57:=plot([.14*cos(theta) - 3, (.14)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p58:=plot([.12*cos(theta) - 3, (.12)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p59:=plot([.10*cos(theta) - 3, (.10)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p60:=plot([.08*cos(theta) - 3, (.08)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p61:=plot([.06*cos(theta) - 3, (.06)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p62:=plot([.04*cos(theta) - 3, (.04)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p63:=plot([-theta - 3, (3.2)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) + 1, theta = 0..10*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

display(p53, p54, p55, p56, p57, p58, p59, p60, p61, p62, p63);


> p64:=plot([sin(6*theta)*cos(theta) + 17, sin(6*theta)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = magenta, scaling = constrained, thickness = 2):
p65:=plot([.20*cos(theta) + 17, (.20)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p66:=plot([.18*cos(theta) + 17, (.18)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p67:=plot([.16*cos(theta) + 17, (.16)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p68:=plot([.14*cos(theta) + 17, (.14)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p69:=plot([.12*cos(theta) + 17, (.12)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p70:=plot([.10*cos(theta) + 17, (.10)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p71:=plot([.08*cos(theta) + 17, (.08)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p72:=plot([.06*cos(theta) + 17, (.06)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p73:=plot([.04*cos(theta) + 17, (.04)*sin(theta) + 1, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = red, thickness = 2):

p74:=plot([-theta + 17, (2.8)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) + 1, theta = 0..10*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

display(p64, p65, p66, p67, p68, p69, p70, p71, p72, p73, p74);


> p4:=plot([3*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20, 3*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):
p5:=plot([2.8*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.1, 2.8*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

p6:=plot([2.6*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.2, 2.6*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

p7:=plot([2.4*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.3, 2.4*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

p8:=plot([2.2*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.4, 2.2*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

p9:=plot([2*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.5, 2*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

p10:=plot([1.8*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.6, 1.8*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

p11:=plot([1.6*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.7, 1.6*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

p12:=plot([1.4*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.8, 1.4*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

p13:=plot([1.2*cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 20.9, 1.2*cos(theta)*sin(theta) + 22, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = yellow):

display(p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13);


> p14:=plot([sin(theta/5 - 1) + 3, theta, theta = -Pi/1.2..7*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 3):
p15:=plot([sin(theta/5 - 3) + 15, theta, theta = -Pi/1.2..7*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 3):

p16:=plot([.5*cos(theta - 2) + 6, theta + 6, theta = 0..3*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p17:=plot([.5*cos(theta - 2) + 8, theta + 10, theta = 0..5*Pi/2], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p18:=plot([.6*cos(theta - 6) + 9, theta + 3, theta = -Pi/2..2*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p19:=plot([.8*cos(theta/(2) - 5) + 6, theta + 19, theta = -Pi..Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p20:=plot([-.9*sin(3*theta/(2) - 4) + 5.3, 6.3*theta, theta = 0..1], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p21:=plot([.7*sin(theta/(1.5) - 4) + 12, theta + 5, theta = -3*Pi/2..3*Pi/2], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p22:=plot([.6*sin(theta/3) + 7, theta, theta = .4..3*Pi/2], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p23:=plot([.5*sin(theta/7) + 8.45, theta + 17.5, theta = 0..4*Pi/3], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p24:=plot([.3*sin(theta) + 11.4, theta + 9.5, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p25:=plot([.3*sin(theta/2) + 3.9, theta + 4, theta = -Pi..2*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p26:=plot([.6*sin(theta) + 12, theta + 13, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p27:=plot([.3*sin(theta) + 14, theta + 10, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p28:=plot([.5*sin(theta/(4)) + 10, theta + 17, theta = Pi/2..5*Pi/3], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p29:=plot([.5*sin(theta) + 14.3, theta + 17, theta = -Pi/2..3*Pi/1.8], color = brown, thickness = 2):

display(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20, p21, p22, p23, p24, p25, p26, p27, p28, p29);


Rotate all these, make a moon out of it...have two moons

> p30:=plot([(1 * cos(theta) + 3) * cos(sin(theta) + 3) - 2, ((1 *cos(theta)) + 3) * sin(sin(theta) + 3) + 20, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = yellow, thickness = 4):
p31:=plot([(.75*cos(theta) + 3) * cos(sin(theta) + 3) - 2, (.75*cos(theta) + 3) * sin(sin(theta) + 3) + 20, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = yellow, thickness = 4):

p32:=plot([(.5*cos(theta) + 3) * cos(sin(theta) + 3) - 2, (.5*cos(theta) + 3) * sin(1.0*sin(theta) + 3) + 20, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = yellow, thickness = 4):

p33:=plot([(.25*cos(theta) + 3) * cos(sin(theta) + 3) - 2, (.25*cos(theta) + 3) * sin(sin(theta) + 3) + 20, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = yellow, thickness = 4):

p34:=plot([(.05*cos(theta) + 3) * cos(3) - 2, (.05*cos(theta) + 3) * sin(3) + 20, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = yellow, thickness = 1):

display(p30, p31, p32, p33, p34);


> p35:=plot([.1*theta*cos(theta) + 19, .1*(-theta)*sin(theta) + 5, theta = 0..10*Pi]):
p36:=plot([.1*(-theta)*cos(theta) + 19, .1*theta*sin(theta) + 5,theta=0..10*Pi], color='blue', scaling = constrained):

p37:=plot([18*theta + 19, (6.0)*(-arcsin(15*theta)) + 5, theta = 0..10*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

display(p35, p36, p37);


> p38:=plot([3*theta + 11.3, (3.6)*(-arcsin(3*(theta))) - 2.2, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):
p39:=plot([-3.4*theta + 11.95, (2.9)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .3, theta = 0..3*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p40:=plot([2.3*theta + 9.07, (3.8)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .9, theta = 0..5*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p41:=plot([-(4)*theta + 14.8, (4.5)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.24, theta = 0..Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p42:=plot([-theta + 9.1, (5.1)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .2, theta = 0..(1/2)*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p43:=plot([-theta + 8.22, (1.5)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .32, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p44:=plot([theta + 7.6, (3.4)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .19, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p75:=plot([2*theta + 14.7, (4.4)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .3, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p76:=plot([9*theta + 4.3, (4.4)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .23, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p77:=plot([-3*theta + 4.7, (3.4)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .85, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p78:=plot([-3.5*theta + 3.2, (4.4)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - .24, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p79:=plot([-3.5*theta + 5.6, (4.4)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - 2.24, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

p80:=plot([2.7*theta + 2.7, (4.4)*(-arcsin(3*theta)) - 2.24, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = brown, thickness = 2):

display(p38, p39, p40, p41, p42, p43, p44, p75, p76, p77, p78, p79, p80);


> p81:=plot([3*theta + .3, (-5*arcsin(3*(theta))) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):
p82:=plot([-3.4*theta + .95, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..3*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p83:=plot([2.3*theta + 1.27, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..5*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p84:=plot([-(4)*theta + 1.8, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p85:=plot([-theta + 2.1, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..(1/2)*Pi], color =green, thickness = 2):

p86:=plot([-theta + 2.32, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p87:=plot([theta + 2.6, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p88:=plot([2*theta + 2.9, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p89:=plot([3*theta + 3.3, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p90:=plot([-2.1*theta + 3.7, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p91:=plot([1.2*theta + 3.9, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p92:=plot([-1.8*theta + 4.4, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p92:=plot([2.7*theta + 4.7, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p93:=plot([-3*theta + 5.3, (-5*arcsin(3*(theta))) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p94:=plot([-3.4*theta + 5.95, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..3*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p95:=plot([2.3*theta + 6.27, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..5*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p96:=plot([-(4)*theta + 6.8, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p97:=plot([-theta + 7.4, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..(1/2)*Pi], color =green, thickness = 2):

p98:=plot([-theta + 7.72, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p99:=plot([-1.6*theta + 8.6, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p100:=plot([2*theta + 8.9, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p101:=plot([3*theta + 9.3, (-5*arcsin(3*(theta))) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p102:=plot([-3.4*theta + 9.95, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..3*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p103:=plot([2.3*theta + 10.37, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..5*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p104:=plot([-(4)*theta + 10.6, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p105:=plot([-theta + 11.1, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..(1/2)*Pi], color =green, thickness = 2):

p106:=plot([-theta + 11.52, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p107:=plot([theta + 11.8, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p108:=plot([2*theta + 12.1, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p109:=plot([3*theta + 12.5, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p110:=plot([-2.1*theta + 12.8, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p111:=plot([-1.2*theta + 13.4, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p112:=plot([-1.8*theta + 13.9, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p112:=plot([-.7*theta + 14.4, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p113:=plot([3*theta + 15.3, (-5*arcsin(3*(theta))) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p114:=plot([-3.4*theta + 15.65, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..3*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p115:=plot([2.3*theta + 16.27, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..5*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p116:=plot([-theta - .22, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p117:=plot([theta - .58, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p118:=plot([2*theta - .8, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p119:=plot([3*theta - 1.2, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p120:=plot([-2.1*theta - 1.5, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p121:=plot([-1.2*theta - 1.7, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p122:=plot([-1.8*theta - 2.3, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p122:=plot([-.7*theta - 2.7, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p123:=plot([3*theta - 3.2, (-5*arcsin(3*(theta))) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p124:=plot([-3.4*theta - 3.6, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..3*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p125:=plot([2.3*theta - 3.93, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..5*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p126:=plot([-theta + 17.22, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p127:=plot([theta + 17.58, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p128:=plot([2*theta + 17.8, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p129:=plot([3*theta + 18.2, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p130:=plot([-2.1*theta + 18.5, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p131:=plot([-1.2*theta + 18.7, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p132:=plot([-1.8*theta + 19.3, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p132:=plot([-.7*theta + 19.7, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..4*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p133:=plot([3*theta + 19.2, (-5*arcsin(3*(theta))) - 1.7, theta = 0..2*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p134:=plot([-3.4*theta + 20.6, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..3*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

p135:=plot([2.3*theta + 20.93, (-5*arcsin(3*theta)) - 1.7, theta = 0..5*Pi], color = green, thickness = 2):

display(p81, p82, p83, p84, p85, p86, p87, p88, p89, p90, p91, p92, p93, p94, p95, p96, p97, p98, p99, p100, p101, p102, p103, p104, p105, p106, p107, p108, p109, p110, p111, p112, p113, p114, p115, p116, p117, p118, p119, p120, p121, p122, p123, p124, p125, p126, p127, p128, p129, p130, p131, p132, p133, p134, p135);


> display(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20, p21, p22, p23, p24, p25, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30, p31, p32, p33, p34, p35, p36, p37, p38, p39, p40, p41, p42, p43, p44, p45, p46, p47, p48, p49, p50, p51, p52, p53, p54, p55, p56, p57, p58, p59, p60, p61, p62, p63, p64, p65, p66, p67, p68, p69, p70, p71, p72, p73, p74, p75, p76, p77, p78, p79, p80, p81, p82, p83, p84, p85, p86, p87, p88, p89, p90, p91, p92, p93, p94, p95, p96, p97, p98, p99, p100, p101, p102, p103, p104, p105, p106, p107, p108, p109, p110, p111, p112, p113, p114, p115, p116, p117, p118, p119, p120, p121, p122, p123, p124, p125, p126, p127, p128, p129, p130, p131, p132, p133, p134, p135);
