Comp 106 - The Universal Machine - Course Policies
Your final grade will be determined by
Homework | 15% |
Labs | 20% |
Projects | 65% |
At the end of many class meetings, I will give you a short homework
assignment that is due at the beginning of the next class meeting.
These short assignments should give you some immediate feedback about whether
or not you are picking up on the major concepts of the course.
These short homeworks will be graded on a scale of 0, 1, or 2.
Several times during the semester, you will have more substantial
homework assignments that you will have longer to work on and will
count for more points.
Here are a few guidelines for the presentation of your homework.
If you do not follow these, I reserve the right to return your homework ungraded!
- Your homework must be clear, legible, and well-written,
using complete sentences to justify your results, if necessary.
- Here is a good rule of thumb to follow when writing up your
Write your solutions so that you could hand them to another student in
the class and they could understand your explanation.
- If you write in pen, there should be no scratch-outs.
- Do not turn in paper torn from a spiral notebook with ragged
edges. (I will bring scissors to class so that you can cut off the
The homework is due at the beginning of class.
Be aware that
Late homework is not accepted! No exceptions!!
We will have weekly labs on Monday and Wednesday mornings from
8:30-9:20 (you will only attend one per week). The lab assignments
will give you hands-on experience with the material
covered in the lectures.
The lab activities will be graded during the lab, so
It is extremely important that you arrive to lab on
Furthermore, The lab meetings are not optional!! If you miss
a lab, you will not be able to make it up unless you have an extremely good,
legitimate excuse. Oversleeping is not a legitimate excuse, so please
don't ask.
You will have 8 projects during the semester (see the Syllabus for
the due dates). I will give you detailed information on my
expectations for each of the projects.
Since the projects comprise the majority of your grade, they will be
graded very rigorously. You should expect to put significant
effort into each of the projects.
Class Attendance
Although class attendance is not a specified percentage of your grade,
I will keep a class roll to help me determine borderline grades at the
end of the semester. If you do miss class, you are responsible
for the material that was covered.
Getting Help
Please come see me during my office hours! If you have a conflict
and cannot make my office hours, please call or email me and we can set up
an appointment for another time.
If you want to know check on your grade at any time during the
semester, please ask me and I can give you a rough idea of your
current standing.
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