Ya' Gotta Love Parametric Equations

Assigned November 4, 1998
Due December 9, 1998

This goal of this project is very simple: You are to use parametric and polar plots to create a drawing in Maple.

For example, try the following in a Maple worksheet:

              [> with(plots):
              [> p1 := polarplot(5+sin(3*theta),theta = 0 .. 2*Pi,color = violet,
                    scaling = constrained):
              [> p2 := plot([2*cos(t), -1+2*sin(t), t = 5*Pi/4 .. 7*Pi/4],
                    color = red):
              [> p3 := plot([-2+.8*cos(t), 2+.6*sin(t), t = 0 .. 2*Pi],color = blue):
              [> p4 := plot([2+.8*cos(t), 2+.6*sin(t), t = 8*Pi/7 .. 13*Pi/7],
                    color = blue):
              [> display(p1,p2,p3,p4);
A couple of comments: