Checklist for Your Writing Projects
Based on a checklist by Annalisa Crannell at Franklin & Marshall
- Please attach this page with a paper-clip to your writing assignment
when you turn it in.
- This list will be used to grade your assignment, and will be returned
to you with comments.
- Please feel free to use this checklist as a guide for yourself while writing the assignment.
Does this paper:
- clearly (re)state the problem to be solved?
- provide a paragraph which explains how the problem will be approached?
- state the answer in a few complete sentences which stand on their own?
- give a precise and well-organized explanation of how the answer was found?
- clearly label diagrams, tables, graphs, or other visual
representations of the math?
- define all variables, terminology, and notation used?
- clearly state the assumptions which underlie the computations and explain how each formula is derived, or
where it can be found?
- give acknowledgment where it is due, including appropriate citations?
- use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
- contain correct mathematics?
- solve the questions that were originally asked?
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