The purpose of this short presentation is for your group to teach the rest of us about the current status of the Congressional redistricting process in a specific state. There are a few things you'll want to be sure to address:
- The 2020 apportionment and how it compares to the 2010 apportionment
- The redistricting process - Is there an indepenedent redistricting commission? Does the legislature draw the maps? Does the governor play any role?
- Are there any legal requirements for redistricting, such as compactness, not splitting towns or counties, etc?
- Show the districting plan used in the last election and the districting plan proposed after the 2020 census
- Has there been any controversry surrounding the current redistricting process? e.g. related to the Voting Rights Act, claims of partisan gerrymandering, court cases, etc
- What is the current status of the redistricting? Has it been approved? Are there pending court cases?
- Is there any controversy surrounding redistricting of the state legislature?
- What is your opinion of the current redistricting process?
You should plan for your presentation to be 8-10 minutes long, so you will need to think carefully about what is most important to include, and you will need to practice multiple times so that the presentation flows smoothly.
You will want to look at the rubric I will use for evaluating your presentation to help while preparing your talk.