Pre-Class Assignments
Math 301 Real Analysis, Fall 2021

This page uses MathJax to display mathematical notation, so please let me know if any part isn't clear.

All section numbers refer to Understanding Analysis, Second Edition by Abbott.

Be sure to check back, because this page will be updated often during the semester.

Week 1: August 30

Welcome to Real Analysis!

To Read

The first reading is a short article that I think every math major should read and think about.
Section 1.2 should mostly be review from Discrete Math.

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 2: September 6

What distinguishes \( \mathbb{Q} \) and \( \mathbb{R} \)?
How do you compare the size of infinite sets?

To Read

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 3: September 13

\( \mathbb{R} \) and \( \mathbb{Q} \) have different cardinatlities

To Read

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 4: September 20

How many different infinities are there?
\( P(\mathbb{N})\sim \mathbb{R} \)

To Read

Don't try to complete all the exercises sprinkled through this section, but focus on understanding the statements of Theorem 1.6.1 and 1.6.2.

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 5: September 27

Algebraic and topological definitions of convergence

To Read

Read these sections, focusing on the definitions and statements of theorems, but no forum posts this week due to Exam 1.

Week 6: October 4

Every bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence
An equivalent condition for convergence

To Read

The subsection "Completeness Revisited" in Section 2.6 is a nice summary of how many of the results to this point fit together.

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 7: October 11

No class meetings this week due to Fall Break and MAP Day.

Week 8: October 18

Thow away the middle third
Introduction to the topology of ℝ

To Read

Pay special attention to the definition of a "limit point of A" and an "isolated point of A" in Section 3.2.

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 9: October 25

Limit points on closed sets
That's a continuous function?

To Read

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 10: November 1

Consequences of continuity

To Read

Pay special attention to the definition of a "uniform continuity" in Section 4.4.

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 11: November 8

The IVT is "obvious" but slippery to prove

To Read

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 12: November 15

The MVT is "obvious" but slippery to prove
A continuous function with "corners" everywhere

To Read

Read these sections, and focus on the definition of g(x) in Section 5.4, but no forum posts this week due to Exam 2.

Week 13: November 22

Uniform convergence is your friend

To Read

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 14: November 29

Uniform convergence is really your friend

To Read

Pre-Class Forum Posts

Week 15: December 6

Polynomials are a universal gadget for continuous functions

To Read

Pre-Class Forum Posts