Be sure to check back, because this will be updated during the semester.
This semester is going to be unlike any that we've experienced before, because, well, 2020.
This makes it impossible for the entire class to meet in-person at once. As a result, we're going to need to adjust the structure of scheduled class meetings, office hours, exams, etc. to meet the realities of this semester. We'll follow the Hybrid Tutorial model for Cryptography. The goal is that much of the content delivery will occur asynchronously outside of class meetings via reading assignments and short videos. This will allow us to devote most of the class meetings to smaller tutorials of 10-13 students where you are collaborating in groups and working on problems to clarify concepts and delve deeper into the subtleties of content.
The plan for class meetings is:
Remote students will be in Tutorial Group A, and Tutorial Groups B & C will meet mask-to-mask in the classroom. The tutorial group assignments for each week will be posted to onCourse.
As the term goes on, we might have to make some adjustments to the structure of the class, depending on how things are working. This means that you should not plan any other commitments during our scheduled class time.
Let's all be kind to each other, and we'll figure it out.
We'll be using several different resources during the semester, and it's helpful to me to have a diagram of where they will be located and how to find them. You can click on the diagram for a larger version or view a pdf here.