Daily Syllabus, Math 302 Advanced Cryptography, Spring 2019

Be sure to check back, because this will be updated during the semester.

Monday Wednesday Friday
1/23 Welcome to Math 302! 1/25 1.2 Divisibility and Greatest Common Divisors
1.3 Modular Arithmetic
1/28 1.4 Prime Numbers, Unique Factorization, and Finite Fields 1/30 1.5 Powers and Primitive Roots in Finite Fields
2.3 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
2/1 2.4 The Elgamal Public Key Cryptosystem
2.5 An Overview of the Theory of Groups
CC #1 due @ 3:00pm
2/4 2.5 An Overview of the Theory of Groups 2/6 2.6 How Hard is the Discrete Logarithm Problem?
PS #1 due @ 3:00pm
2/8 2.6 How Hard is the Discrete Logarithm Problem?
2/11 2.7 A Collision Algorithm for the DLP 2/13 2.8 The Chinese Remainder Theorem 2/15 2.9 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm
PS #2 due @ 9:30am
2/18 2.9 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm
CC #2 due @ 3:00pm
2/20 5.5 Pollard's ρ Method 2/22 5.5 Pollard's ρ Method
PS #3 due @ 9:30am
2/25 5.5 Pollard's ρ Method
Exam 1, Tues 2/26 @ 5:30pm
2/27 3.2 The RSA Public Key Cryptosystem 3/1 3.4 Primality Testing
3/4 Snow Day 3/6 3.4 Primality Testing 3/8 3.4 Primality Testing
PS #4 due @ 3:00pm
Groups for Presentations due
3/11 Spring Break 3/13 Spring Break 3/15 Spring Break
3/18 Finding DSA parameters
Factoring with Pollard's ρ
3/20 6.1 Elliptic Curves 3/22 6.2 Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields
CC #3 due @ 3:00pm
3/25 6.3 The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem 3/27 6.4 Elliptic Curve Cryptography
PS #5 due @ 3:00pm
3/29 6.4 Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Topic for Presentations due
4/1 6.4 Elliptic Curve Cryptography 4/3 7.4 Lattices: Basic Definitions and Properties
KRYPTOS Challenge opens 4/4
4/5 7.4 Lattices: Basic Definitions and Properties
4/8 7.5 Short Vectors in Lattices 4/10 7.6 Babai's Algorithm
KRYPTOS writeup due @ 3:00pm
4/12 No Class
Abstract for Presentations due
4/15 7.6 Babai's Algorithm
PS #6 due @ 3:00pm
Exam 2, Tues 4/16 @ 5:30pm
4/17 7.8 The GGH Public Key Cryptosystem 4/19 7.8 The GGH Public Key Cryptosystem
Technical background for Presentations due
4/22 Student Presentations 4/24 Student Presentations 4/26 Student Presentations
4/29 7.13 Lattice Reduction Algorithms 5/1 7.13 Lattice Reduction Algorithms
PS #7 due @ 3:00pm
5/3 The BIG Picture
Comprehensive Final Exam, Monday, May 6 @ 2:00pm