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Detailed Reading Assignments - Math 302 Advanced Cryptography - Spring 2017

Be sure to check back, because this may change during the semester.

All chapter references are to the text An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography by Hoffstein, Pipher, and Silverman. We've already discussed some of the topics in the text during Math 202 last fall, so we can skip around a bit in the book.

For Friday January 27

Section 1.3 Modular Arithmetic

Focus on:

  • How the notation differs slightly from last fall
  • Section 1.3.2 The Fast Powering Algorithm

For Monday January 30

Section 1.4 Prime Numbers, Unique Factorization, and Finite Fields
1.5 Powers and Primitive Roots in Finite Fields

Focus on:

  • Theorem 1.20 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
  • Theorem 1.24 Fermat's Little Theorem
  • Theorem 1.30 The Primitive Root Theorem

For Wednesday February 1

Section 1.7 Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers
2.3 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Focus on:

  • Notation for symmetric ciphers in Section 1.7.1 and asymmetric ciphers in Section 1.7.6
  • The difference between the Discrete Log Problem (DLP) and the Diffie-Hellman Problem (DHP)
  • Proposition 2.10 relating the difficulty of breaking Elgamal to the DHP

For Friday February 3

Section 2.4 The Elgamal Public Key Cryptosystem
2.5 An Overview of the Theory of Groups

Focus on:

  • Review Proposition 2.10
  • Definition of a group
  • Proposition 2.12 on the order of an element in a finite group

For Monday February 6

Section 2.5 An Overview of the Theory of Groups

Focus on:

  • Review topics from Friday
  • Proposition 2.13 Lagrange's Theorem

For Wednesday February 8

Section 2.6 How Hard is the Discrete Logarithm Problem?

Focus on:

  • Definition of order notation
  • Proposition 2.14

For Friday February 10

Section 2.6 How Hard is the Discrete Logarithm Problem?

Focus on:

  • Definitions of polynomial, exponential, and subexponential time algorithms

For Monday February 13

Section 2.7 A Collision Algorithm for the DLP

Focus on:

  • Proposition 2.19 Trivial Bound for DLP
  • Proposition 2.21 Shank's Babystep-Giantstep Algorithm

For Wednesday February 15

Section 2.8 The Chinese Remainder Theorem

Focus on:

  • Theorem 2.24 Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • Example 2.25 for solving simultaneous congruences

For Friday February 17

Section 2.9 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm

Focus on:

  • Theorem 2.31 Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm for solving the DLP

Hoffstein Pipher Silverman

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