Be sure to check back, because this will be updated during the semester.
The Problem Sets are normally due before the end of my office hours on Wednesdays at 3:00.
All chapter references are to the text An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography, Second Edition by Hoffstein, Pipher, and Silverman.
Remember to follow the Guidelines for the Solutions.
- Due Wednesday February 1 by 3:00
- Chapter 1: 1.9c, 1.10c, 1.18cdef, 1.26c, 1.32bc
- Due Wednesday February 8 by 3:00
- Chapter 1: 1.33, 1.34bcd, 1.36, 1.43abc
- Chapter 2: 2.4, 2.8, 2.9
- Due Wednesday February 15 by 3:00
- Chapter 2: 2.15abc, 2.16bcef, 2.17a(by hand)
- Due Wednesday February 22 by 3:00
- Chapter : 2.17bc, 2.18bce, 2.28
- Due Wednesday March 8 by 3:00
- Chapter 5: 42
- Due Wednesday March 22 by 3:00
- Chapter 3: 13, 15bef
- Chapter 5: 44b(i,ii)
- Due Wednesday March 29 by 3:00
- Chapter 6: 2, 7, 8, 11ab
- Due Wednesday April 5 by 3:00
- Chapter 6: 14, 20
- Due Wednesday April 12 by 3:00
- Chapter 7: 5, 13