Be sure to check back, because this may change during the semester.
All numbers indicate sections from
Calculus by Taalman and Kohn.
For Friday January 27 (Due 1/26 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 5.1 Integration by Substitution
To read
- Topics:
- The Art of Integration
- Undoing the Chain Rule
- Choosing a Useful Substitution
- Finding Definite Integrals by Using Substitution
- Examples: 1 - 6
Reading Questions
- Substitution attempts to undo one of the techniques of differentiation. Which one is it?
- Use u-substitution to find an antiderivative of f(x) = 3x2 cos(x3)
- Explain why ∫ cos(x) sin(x)2 dx and ∫ ln(x)2 / x dx are essentially the same integral after performing a substitution.
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For Monday January 30 (Due 1/29 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 2.6 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
To read
- Topics:
- Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Example: 3
Reading Questions
- Why do you think we are studying the inverse trig functions now?
- Find an antiderivative of f(x) = x2 / ( 1 + x6 )
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For Wednesday February 1 (Due 1/31 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 5.2 Integration by Parts
To read
- Topics:
- Undoing the Product Rule
- Strategies for Applying Integration by Parts
- Finding Definite Integrals by Using Integration by Parts
- Examples: 1 - 4
Reading Questions
- Integration by parts attempts to undo one of the techniques of differentiation. Which one is it?
- Use integration by parts to find an antiderivative of f(x) = 2x e4x
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For Friday February 3 (Due 2/2 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 5.2 Integration by Parts
To read
Reading Questions
Would you use u-substitution or integration by parts to find each anti-derivative? Find the antiderivative and explain why the other method would not work.
- ∫ cos(x) sin(x) dx
- ∫ ex cos(x) dx
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For Monday February 6 (Due 2/5 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 5.6 Improper Integrals
To read
- Topics:
- Integrating over an Unbounded Interval
- Integrating Unbounded Functions
- Improper Integrals of Power Functions
- Examples: 1, 2, 3
Reading Questions
- Explain why ∫1∞ 1/x2 dx is improper.
- Explain why ∫01 1/x2 dx is improper.
- Explain why ∫-11 1/x2 dx is improper.
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For Wednesday February 8 (Due 2/7 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 5.6 Improper Integrals
To read
- Topics:
- Determining Convergence or Divergence with Comparisons
- Examples: 4
Reading Questions
Suppose f and g are continuous and 0 ≤ f(x) ≤ g(x) for x>0.
- If the improper integral ∫1∞ g(x) dx
converges, what can you conclude
about the improper integral ∫1∞ f(x) dx ?
- If the improper integral ∫1∞ f(x) dx
diverges, what can you conclude
about the improper integral ∫1∞ g(x) dx ?
- If the improper integral ∫1∞ f(x) dx
converges, what can you conclude
about the improper integral ∫1∞ g(x) dx ?
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For Friday February 10 (Due 2/9 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 5.7 Numeric Integration
To read
- Topics:
- Approximations and Error
- Error in Left and Right Sums
- Example: 1
Reading Questions
- Why would we want to approximate a definite integral?
- When approximating an integral, which would you expect to be more
accurate, LEFT(5) or LEFT(20)? Why?
- If a function f(x) is decreasing on an interval, will LEFT(n) underestimate or overestimate the integral? Why?
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For Monday February 13 (Due 2/12 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 5.7 Numeric Integration
To read
- Topics:
- Error in Trapezoid and Midpoint Sums
- Example: 2
Reading Questions
- If a function f(x) is concave down on an interval, will TRAP(n)
overestimate or underestimate the integral?
- Consider the integral ∫-21 x3 dx.
Is 4 a valid value for M in Theorem 5.27? Why or why not?
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For Wednesday February 15 (Due 2/14 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 6.1 Volumes by Slicing
To read
- Topics:
- Approximating Volume by Slicing
- Volume as a Definite Integral of Cross-Sectional Area
- Volumes by Disks and Washers
- Examples: 1, 2, 3
- Another optional resource are the videos at Kahn Academy on Solids of Revolution. The first two, "Disk method around x-axis" and "Generalizing disc method around x-axis", are relevant for today.
Reading Questions
- Let R be the rectangle formed by the x-axis, the y-axis, and the lines y=1 and x=3. Describe the shape of the solid formed when R is rotated about the x-axis.
- Let T be the triangle formed by the lines y=2x, x=3 and the x-axis. Describe the shape of the solid formed when T is rotated about the x-axis.
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For Friday February 17 (Due 2/16 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 6.1 Volumes by Slicing
To read
- Re-read the topics from Wednesday
- Example: 5
Reading Questions
- Let R be the rectangle formed by the x-axis, the y-axis, and the lines y=1 and x=3. Describe the shape of the solid formed when R is rotated about the line y=-5.
- Let T be the triangle formed by the lines y=2x, y=6 and the y-axis. Describe the shape of the solid formed when T is rotated about the x-axis.
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For Monday February 20 (Due 2/19 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 3.6 l'Hopital's Rule
To read
- Topics:
- Geometrical Motivation for l'Hopital's Rule
- l'Hopital's Rule for the Indeterminate Forms 0/0 and ∞/∞
- Using Logarithms for the Indeterminate Forms 00, 1∞, and ∞0
- Examples: 1, 2, 3
Reading Questions
- Does l'Hopital's Rule apply to lim(x -> ∞) x2 / ex ?
Why or why not?
- Does l'Hopital's Rule apply to lim(x -> ∞) x2 / sin(x) ?
Why or why not?
- For each limit in #1 and #2 where l'Hopital's applies, use it to
find the limit.
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For Wednesday February 22 (Due 2/21 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 7.1 Sequences Section 7.2 Limits of Sequences
To read
- Topics in 7.1:
- Sequences of Numbers
- Recursively Defined Sequences
- Geometric and Arithmetic Sequences
- Monotonic Sequences
- Bounded Sequences
- Examples in 7.1: 1, 2, 3, 5
- Topics in 7.2:
- Convergence or Divergence of a Sequence
- Theorems About Convergent Sequences
- Convergence and Divergence of Basic Sequences
- Bounded Monotonic Sequences
- Examples in 7.2: 1, 2, 3
Reading Questions
- Does the following sequence converge or diverge? Be sure to explain your answer.
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, . . .
- Find a symbolic expression for the general term ak of the sequence
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, . . .
- Is the following sequence bounded? Is it monotone? Explain.
1, -1/2, 1/4, -1/8, 1/16, -1/32, . . .
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For Friday February 24 (Due 2/23 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 7.3 Series
To read
- Topics:
- Adding Up Sequences to Get Series
- Convergence and Divergence of Series
- The Algebra of Series
- Geometric Series
- Examples: 1, 3, 4
Reading Questions
- There are two sequences associated with every series. What are they?
- Does the geometric series Σ (1/4)k converge or diverge? Why?
- Does the geometric series Σ (π/e)k converge or diverge? Why?
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For Monday February 27
Q&A for Exam 1. No Reading Assignment.
For Wednesday March 1 (Due 2/28 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 7.4 Introduction to Convergence Tests
To read
- Topics:
- An Overview of Convergence Tests for Series
- The Divergence Test
- The Integral Test
- Convergence and Divergence of p-Series and the Harmonic Series
- Approximating a Convergent Series
- Examples: 1, 2, 3
Reading Questions
- What does the Divergence Theorem tell you about the series
Σ 2k ?
- What does the Divergence Theorem tell you about the series
Σ 1/k ?
- What does the Integral Test tell you about the series
Σ 1/k2 ?
- What does the Integral Test tell you about the series
Σ 1/k ?
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For Friday March 3 (Due 3/2 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 7.7 Alternating Series
To read
- Topics:
- Alternating Series
- Absolute and Conditional Convergence
- The Curious Behavior of a Conditionally Convergent Series
- Examples: 1, 2
Reading Questions
Consider the series Σ (-1)(k+1) / k2
- Why does this series converge?
- How closely does S50 approximate the value of the series? Why?
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For Monday March 6
Re-read Section 7.7 Alternating Series
No Reading Questions for today.
For Wednesday March 8 (Due 3/7 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 8.1 Power Series
To read
- Topics:
- Power Series
- The Interval of Convergence of a Power Series
- Power Series in x - x0
- Examples: We'll go over a few different ones in class
Reading Questions
- How do power series differ from the series we have looked at up to this point?
- What is the interval of convergence of a power series? Explain in your own words.
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For Friday March 10 (Due 3/9 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 8.2 Maclaurin Series and Taylor Series
To read
- Topics:
- Maclaurin Polynomials and Taylor Polynomials
- Taylor Series and Maclaurin Series
- Examples: 1, 2, 3
Reading Questions
- What is the basic idea of constructing the n-th degree Taylor polynomial for a function f(x)? Do not give the formula, but explain in your own words in a few sentences.
- What is the difference between a Taylor series and a Maclaurin series?
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March 13 - 17
Spring Break. Surprisingly, no Reading Assignments.
For Monday March 20
Re-read Section 8.2 Maclaurin Series and Taylor Series
No Reading Questions for today.
For Wednesday March 22
Flex Day. No Reading Assignment.
For Friday March 24 (Due 3/23 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 12.1 Functions of Two and Three Variables
To read
- Topics:
- Functions of Two Variables
- Graphing a Function of Two Variables
- Functions of Three Variables
- Level Curves and Level Surfaces
- Examples: 1, 4
Reading Questions
- Is the graph of the hyperboloid of one sheet x2 + y2 - z2 = 1 the graph of a function of two variables? (See page 785 for a sketch of this surface.) Explain.
- Is the graph of the elliptic paraboloid z = x2 + y2 the graph of a function of two variables? (See page 785 for a sketch of this surface.) Explain.
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For Monday March 27
Q&A for Exam 2. No Reading Assignment.
For Wednesday March 29
Re-read Section 12.1 Functions of Two and Three Variables
No Reading Questions for today.
For Friday March 31 (Due 3/30 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 12.3 Partial Derivatives
To read
- Topics:
- Partial Derivatives of Functions of Two and Three Variables
- Higher Order Partial Derivatives
- Finding a Function When the Partial Derivatives Are Given
- Examples: 1, 2, 4, 5
Reading Questions
- For a function f(x,y), what information does fx(1,0) give?
- How many second-order partial derivatives does g(x,y,z) have? Why?
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For Monday April 3
Re-read Section 12.3 Partial Derivatives
No Reading Questions for today.
For Wednesday April 5 (Due 4/4 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 12.6 Extreme Values
To read
- Topics:
- You'll need to understand Definition 12.35 The Gradient on pg 957
- The Gradient at a Local Extremum
- Examples: 1 and 3. We'll talk about classifying extrema by methods other than the Second-Derivative Test.
Reading Questions
- If f(x,y)= x2y + 3 x y, give an expression for ∇ f(x,y).
- If the partials fx and fy exist everywhere, at what points (x0, y0) can f(x,y) have a local max or a local min?
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For Friday April 7
Re-read Section 12.6 Extreme Values
No Reading Questions for today.
For Monday April 10 (Due 4/9 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 13.1 Double Integrals over Rectangular
To read
- Topics:
- Volumes
- Double and Triple Summations
- Iterated Integrals and Fubini's Theorem (pay special attention here)
- Examples: 1 and 2
Reading Questions
- If f(x,y) is a function of two variables and R is a rectangle in the xy-plane, what does ∫ ∫R
f(x,y) dA measure?
- Explain the idea of Fubini's Theorem in a couple of sentences in your own words.
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For Wednesday April 12 (Due 4/11 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 13.2 Double Integrals over General Regions
To read
- Topics:
- General Regions in the Plane
- Double Integrals over General Regions
- Algebraic Properties of Double Integrals
- Examples: 1, 2, 3
Reading Questions
Let Ω be the region in the xy-plane bounded by the parabola y=x2 and the horizontal line y=9.
- Give values for a, b, g1(x), and g2(x) so that
∫ ∫Ω
f(x,y) dA = ∫ab
∫g1(x)g2(x) f(x,y) dy dx.
- Give values for c, d, h1(y), and h2(y) so that
∫ ∫Ω
f(x,y) dA = ∫cd
∫h1(y)h2(y) f(x,y) dx dy.
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For Friday April 14 (Due 4/13 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 13.2 Double Integrals over General Regions
Examples: Make sure to understand Example 4
Reading Questions
Consider the integral
ex2 dx dy.
- Explain why you would want to reverse the order of integration for this integral.
- Evaluate the integral by reversing the order of integration.
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For Monday April 17
Flex Day. No Reading Assignment.
For Wednesday April 19 (Due 4/18 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 9.2 Polar Coordinates
To read
- Topics:
- Plotting Points in Polar Coordinates
- Converting Between Polar and Rectangular Coordinates
- The Graphs of Some Simple Polar Coordinate Equations
- Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4
Reading Questions
- What do the coordinates (r, θ) in polar coordinates measure?
- Why do you think we are studying polar coordinates now?
- Is the graph of the polar function r = 4 cos(θ) is the graph of a
function y=f(x)? Explain.
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For Friday April 21 (Due 4/20 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 9.3 Graphing Polar Equations
To read
- Topics:
- Using the θr - plane to Get Information About a Polar Graph
- Symmetry in Polar Graphs
- Examples: 1 - 6
Reading Questions
Describe the shape of the graph of the following polar equations.
- r = 2θ, θ≥ 0
- r = 2 sin(θ)
- r = sin(2θ)
- r = sin(3θ)
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For Monday April 24
Q&A for Exam 3. No Reading Assignment.
For Wednesday April 26 (Due 4/25 @ 8:00 pm)
Section 13.3 Double Integrals Using Polar Coordinates
To read
- Topics:
- Polar Coordinates and Double Integrals
- Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates over General Regions
- Examples: 1, 4, 5
Reading Questions
- Describe the shape of a polar "rectangle."
- Why would you ever want to use polar coordinates to evaluate a
double integral?
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For Friday April 28
Re-read Section13.3 Double Integrals Using Polar Coordinates
No Reading Questions for today.
For Monday May 1
Flex Day. No Reading Assignment.
For Wednesday May 3
The BIG Picture. No Reading Assignment.
For Friday May 5
The BIG Picture. No Reading Assignment.