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Daily Syllabus - Math 301 Real Analysis - Fall 2017

Be sure to check back, because this will be updated during the semester.

All numbers indicate sections from Understanding Analysis, Second Edition by Abbott.

Monday Wednesday Friday
8/30 Welcome to Real Analysis!
1.2 Some preliminaries
9/1 1.3 The Axiom of Completeness
9/4 Labor Day 9/6 1.4 Consequences of Completeness 9/8 1.4 Consequences of Completeness
Prob Set 1 (Group) due @ 9:30 am
9/11 1.5 Cardinality 9/13 1.6 Cantor's Theorem 9/15 1.6 Cantor's Theorem
Prob Set 2 (Indiv) due @ 9:30 am
9/18 2.2 The Limit of a Sequence 9/20 2.2 The Limit of a Sequence 9/22 2.3 The Algebraic and Order Limit Theorems
Prob Set 3 (Group) due @ 9:30 am
9/25 2.4 The Monotone Convergence Theorem 9/27 2.5 Subsequences and the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
  Johnson Lecture @ 5:30 pm  
9/29 2.6 The Cauchy Criterion
Prob 4 (Indiv) due @ 9:30 am
10/2 2.7 Properties of Infinite Series 10/4 2.7 Properties of Infinite Series
  Exam 1 on 10/5 @ 6:00 pm  
10/6 3.1 The Cantor Set
10/9 Fall Break 10/11 3.2 Open and Closed Sets 10/13 3.3 Compact Sets
Title for Book Review due
10/16 3.3 Compact Sets 10/18 4.1 Examples of Dirichlet & Thomae 10/20 4.2 Functional Limits
Prob Set 5 (Group) due @ 9:30 am
10/23 4.3 Continuous Functions 10/25 4.4 Continuous Functions on Compact Sets 10/27 4.5 The Intermediate Value Theorem
Prob Set 6 (Indiv) due @ 9:30 am
10/30 Power outage. No Class 11/1 5.2 Derivatives and the Intermediate Value Property 11/3 5.2 Derivatives and the Intermediate Value Property
Prob Set 7 due @ 9:30 am
11/6 5.3 The Mean Value Theorem 11/8 5.4 A Continous Nowhere-Differentiable Function 11/10 6.2 Uniform Convergence of a Sequence of Functions
Prob Set 8 (Group) due @ 9:30 am
Progress Report on Book Review due
11/13 6.2 Uniform Convergence of a Sequence of Functions 11/15 6.3 Uniform Convergence and Differentiation
  Exam 2 on 11/16 @ 6:00 pm  
11/17 No Class
11/20 6.4 Series of Functions 11/22 Thanksgiving Break 11/24 Thanksgiving Break
11/27 6.5 Power Series 11/29 6.6 Taylor Series 12/1 6.7 The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem
Prob Set 9 (Indiv) due @ 9:30 am
12/4 7.2 The Definition of the Riemann Integral
Book Review due
12/6 7.3 Integrating Functions with Discontinuities
7.4 Properties of the Integral
12/8 7.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Prob Set 10 due @ 9:30 am
Final Exam
Thursday, December 14, 9:00 - 12:00

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