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Problem Sets - Math 141 Introductory Statistics - Spring 2016

Be sure to check back, because this may be updated during the semester.

The Problem Sets are normally due before the end of my office hours on Thursdays at 3:00.
All numbers indicate chapters from Intro Stats, 4th Edition by De Veaux, Velleman, and Bock

Remember to follow the Guidelines for the Solutions.

Most of the larger data sets for the exercises are included on the cd that came with the text. It's probably easiest to import the csv files located on the cd in the folder IS4_Data_Files into Minitab Express.

Due Thursday February 4 by 3:00
Chapter 2:   6, 17, 45
Chapter 3:   18, 33, 42

Due Thursday February 11 by 3:00
Chapter 4:   19, 31, 42 ("brief report" means a paragraph)
Chapter 5:   10, 20, 39, 50

Due Thursday February 18 by 3:00
Chapter 15:   11, 14, 30, 52, 59
Chapter 16:   11ab, 13, 22

Due Thursday March 10 by 3:00
Chapter 17:   11a, 13, 24, 38
Chapter 18:   7, 19, 38
Chapter 19:   14, 19

Due Thursday March 31 by 3:00 - Notice this is a long assignment!
Chapter 19:   16, 31a-d, 32a-d, 37a-c
Chapter 20:   34, 36, 66, 70, 72
Chapter 21:   14, 24, 26, 33

Due Thursday April 21 by 3:00
Chapter 6:   20, 35
Chapter 7:   16, 18, 20, 22, 73a-d
Chapter 8:   19, 23abde

Due Thursday April 28 by 3:00
Chapter 23:   25, 26
Chapter 25:   11, 15, 22

Due Thursday May 5 by 3:00
Chapter 22:   11, 12, 17, 38, 47

Maintained by: ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu