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Daily Syllabus - Math 202 Cryptography - Fall 2016

Be sure to check back, because this will be updated during the semester.

All chapter references are to the text Understanding Cryptography by Paar and Pelzl. See Problem Sets for the specific assignments.

Monday Wednesday Friday
8/31 Welcome to Cryptography! 9/2 Chapter 1
Modular arithmetic
Prob Set #0 due in class
9/5 Labor Day
No class
9/7 Chapter 1
More modular arithmetic
Intro to Mathematica
9/9 Chapter 2
Stream ciphers
Prob Set #1 due @ noon
9/12 Chapter 2
One-Time Pads
9/14 Chapter 3
Overview of DES
9/16 Chapter 4
Overview of AES
Prob Set #2 due @ noon
9/19 Chapter 4
Intro to finite fields
Prob Set #1 revisions due @ 3:00pm
9/21 Chapter 4
AES byte substitution and diffusion layers
9/23 Chapter 4
AES data stream
Prob Set #3 due @ noon
9/26 Chapter 4
AES: putting it all together
9/28 AES key schedule
Exam 1, Thurs 9/29 @ 5:30 pm
9/30 Chapter 6
Intro to public key cryptography
Prob Set #2 revisions due noon
10/3 Chapter 6
Some useful number theory
Prob Set #3 revisions due @ 3:00pm
10/5 Chapter 7
Introduction to RSA
10/7 No class today
10/10 Fall Break
No class
10/12 Chapter 7
RSA fast encryption
10/14 Chapter 7
Finishing up RSA
Prob Set #4 due @ noon
10/17 Chapter 10
Intro to digital signatures
10/19 Chapter 10
RSA signatures
10/21 Chapter 11
Intro to hash functions
Prob Set #5 due @ noon
10/24 Chapter 8
Diffie-Hellman key exchange
10/26 Chapter 8
The discrete log problem
Prob Set #4 revisions due @ 3:00pm
10/28 Chapter 8
Some useful group theory
Prob Set #6 due @ noon
10/31 Chapter 8
More group theory
11/2 Chapter 8
Elgamal encryption
Prob Set #5 revisions due @ 3:00pm
11/4 Chapter 8
Generalized discrete log problem
Prob Set #7 due @ noon
11/7 Chapter 10
Elgamal signatures
11/9 Chapter 10
Elgamal signatures
Exam 2, Thurs 11/10 @ 5:30 pm
11/11 Chapter 10
Elgamal signatures
Prob Set #6 revisions due @ noon
11/14 Chapter 10
Why reusing ephemeral keys is bad
Prob Set #7 revisions due @ 3:00pm
11/16 Chapter 10
The Digital Signature Algorithm
11/18 Overview of Digital Signatures
11/21 Chapter 12
Overview of message authentication codes
11/23 Thanksgiving Break
No class
11/25 Thanksgiving Break
No class
11/28 Putting it all together: TLS 11/30 Basics of Primality Testing 12/2 Security in WhatsApp and Signal
Prob Set #8 due @ noon
12/5 Blockchains and Bitcoin 12/7 Blockchains and Bitcoin 12/9 The BIG Picture
Final Exam
Tuesday, December 13, 9:00 - 12:00

Maintained by: ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu