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Problem Sets - Math 221 Linear Algebra - Fall 2015

Be sure to check back, because this may be updated during the semester.

The Problem Sets are normally due before the end of my office hours, usually on Thursdays at 4:00.
All numbers indicate sections from Linear Algebra and its applications, 4e by David Lay

Remember to follow the Guidelines for the Solutions.

Due Thursday September 10 by 4:00
Section 1.1:   7, 20, 25
Section 1.2:   12, 26, 34
Section 1.3:   14, 26
Section 1.4:   10, 18, 20

Due Thursday September 17 by 4:00
Section 1.4:   31, 32
Section 1.5:   14, 30, 34
Section 1.7:   11, 22, 34, 36, 37
Section 1.8:   3, 17, 20

Due Thursday September 24 by 4:00
Section 1.8:   33, 38, 40
Section 1.9:   31, 32, 38
Section 2.1:   17, 23
Section 2.2:   9, 22, 30, 31

Due Wednesday October 7 by 3:00
Section 2.3:   11, 12, 16, 26, 41
Section 2.7:   8, 17, 18
Section 3.2:   22, 26, 29, 46
Due Thursday October 22 by 4:00
Section 4.1:   8, 11, 13, 23bcd
Section 4.2:   22, 26a-e, 31, 38
Section 4.3:   14, 21a-d, 22abce, 23, 29, 30
Due Thursday November 5 by 4:00
Section 4.4:   8, 14, 17, 28
Section 4.5:   20abde, 21, 23
Section 4.6:   18, 27
Section 4.9:   8, 16, 17, 21
Due Thursday November 12 by 4:00
Section 5.1:   21, 22, 26
Section 5.2:   15, 19
Section 5.3:   15, 23, 28, 29
Due Thursday November 19 by 4:00
Section 5.6:   9, 10, 14, 18
Section 6.1:   26, 27, 28
Section 6.2:   9, 12, 26, 28, 35
Due Tuesday December 8 by 4:00
Section 6.3:   23
Section 6.4:   17ab, 18ab
Section 6.5:   13, 24
Section 6.6:   10, 11

Maintained by: ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu