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Student Parametric Plots - Math 236 Multivariable Calculus - Spring 2011

These are the projects created by some of the students as their final project (the other students did book reviews). The goal was very simple: Use parametric plots to create a drawing in Maple. You can get an idea of the complexity involved by viewing the worksheets for any of the drawings.

Parametric Plot
Emily Baldwin, '14
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Matt Donovan, '14
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Jarrel Doorn, '12
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Malcolm Eaton, '13
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Emma Hartman, '14
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Mengyang Li, '14
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Yang Li, '13
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Teikyo Mowchan, '14
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Tri Nguyen, '14
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Katelyn Sayles, '14
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Lauren Thompson, '13
View Maple Worksheet
Parametric Plot
Katie Trueblood, '14
View Maple Worksheet

Last Modified: Friday, May 20, 2011, 2:12 PM
Maintained by: ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu