Be sure to check back, because this may be updated during the semester.
Last modified: Tuesday, April 27, 2010,
1:14 PM
Monday |
Wednesday |
1/27 |
Welcome to Voting Theory |
2/1 |
Penrose measure and Banzhaf index
RA: Felsenthal & Machover, Chap 1 |
2/3 |
Treaty of Nice and proposed EU Constitution
RA: Reread Felsenthal & Machover, Chap 1 |
2/8 |
Paradoxes of power indices
RA: Jones |
2/10 |
Geometry of paradoxes
RA: Reread Jones
Homework due |
2/15 |
Two-tiered systems and Equitability
RA: Felsenthal & Machover, Chap 2 |
2/17 |
RA: Reread Felsenthal & Machover, Chap 2
Homework due |
2/22 |
Introduction to methods of apportionment
RA: Balinski & Young, Chaps 1-4 |
2/24 |
Apportionment paradoxes
RA: Balinski & Young, Chaps 5-6
Homework due |
3/1 |
Methods of Dean and Hill
RA: Balinski & Young, Chaps 8-10 |
3/3 |
Evaluating the apportionment methods
RA: Reread Balinski & Young, Chaps 8-10
Title for Book Review due
3/8 |
Geometry of apportionment paradoxes
RA: Bradberry |
3/10 |
Geometry of apportionment paradoxes
RA: Reread Bradberry
Exam 1 due |
3/15 |
Spring Break |
3/17 |
Spring Break |
3/22 |
Proportional representation
RA: Balinski & Young, Chaps 11-12 |
3/24 |
PR in South Africa
RA: Alvarez-Rivera
Progress report on Book Review due |
3/29 |
Addressing gerrymandering
RA: Balinski, "Fair Majority Voting"
      Keohane, "Squareville, USA" |
3/31 |
Elections with three candidates
RA: Saari, Sections 1.2, 2.1, and 2.2 (pp 17 - 45)
Topic and references for Project due
4/5 |
The representation triangle and procedure line
RA: Saari, Preface and Sections 2.2 and 2.3 (pp 40 - 52)
4/7 |
Guest Lecture by Professor Marcus Allen
Homework due |
4/12 |
A fundamental decomposition of R6
RA: Saari, Section 5.3 (pp 129 - 135)
Outlines of paper and presentation for Project due |
4/14 |
Creating and decomposing profiles
RA: Reread Saari, Section 5.3 (pp 129 - 135)
Homework due
Book Review due 4/16 |
4/19 |
More on creating and decomposing profiles |
4/21 |
Elections with more than three candidates
RA: Saari, Section 2.5 and Chapter 3 .3 (pp 60 - 89)
Homework due |
4/26 |
Runoffs, dropping candidates, and Dodgson's Method |
4/28 |
Selecting committees
Exam 2 due
Paper for Project due 4/30 |
5/3 |
Student presentations |
5/5 |
Student presentations |
5/10 |
Takehome Final Exam due at 4:00 |