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Instructions for Submitting a Hardcopy of Certain Homework Problems
Math 104 Calculus II - Spring 2010

The primary purpose of the homework assignments is to aid in your learning and to reinforce the concepts of the course for you. The major advantage to using WebWork for the homework is that you get immediate feedback on every homework problem, which is not feasible if I collected a paper copy of your homework.

However, I recognize that sometimes WebWork can be frustrating if you feel that you understand the concepts but have made only a minor mistake. To accommodate this situation, I will allow the following:

  • If you have tried several times to enter your solution in WebWork but you don't know why your answer is incorrect, you can turn in a hardcopy of that specific problem.

  • There is a form at onCourse for you to fill out to let me know the specific problem(s) you will be turning in on paper. You must fill out the form within an hour after the time the homework is due.

  • You should turn in the paper copy of only those problems before class on the day after the homework is due (10:30 on Friday or 1:00 on Thursday). I will put an envelope on my office door where you should put your papers.

Last Modified: Monday, March 22, 2010, 7:38 AM
Maintained by: ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu