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Classroom Etiquette - Math 104 Calculus II - Spring 2010

  • Turn your cell phone off before class begins! If you use your cell phone during class, I will ask you to leave the class.

  • The computers in the classroom provide a tremendous learning environment for mathematics and allow us explore the mathematical content in a way that we could not easily do otherwise. However, the computers are to be used during class time only for course-related activities. This does not include checking your email or using the internet.

    If you use the computers for any non-course-related purpose during class, I will ask you to leave the class. This is disruptive to the class and disrespectful to your fellow students and to me.

  • Because of the computing equipment in the room, there is absolutely no open food or drink in the classroom. This includes coffee, water, juice, etc. You should make sure that any bottle is sealed tightly or leave any cup containing any liquid outside the door before you come into class.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 3:45 PM
Maintained by: ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu