Be sure to check back, because this will be updated during the semester.
Last modified: Monday, November 30, 2009,
8:55 AM
Date |
Topic/Event |
Wed 9/2 |
Welcome to FYS |
Mon 9/7 |
Labor Day No Class |
Wed 9/9 |
Engineering on the Mississippi River in the 19th century
Read: Rising Tide, Prologue and Chapters 1 - 6 (pp 13 - 92)
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Draft of Paper #1 due in class
Fri 9/11 |
Individual meetings to discuss Draft of Paper #1 |
Mon 9/14 |
LeRoy Percy and Greenville, Mississippi
Read: Rising Tide, Chapters 7 - 12 (pp 93 - 168)
Read: LeRoy Percy's 1907 speech A Southern View of Negro Education reprinted in Outlook Magazine, Aug 3, 1907; Vol.86, Iss.14. Available through Library's electronic resources
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Tues 9/15 |
Individual meetings to discuss Draft of Paper #1 |
Wed 9/16 |
The floods of 1922 and 1927
Read: Rising Tide, Chapters 13 - 16 (pp 169 - 210)
Watch: Fatal Flood, on reserve in the Library
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Thur 9/17 |
Marjane Satrapi Lecture, 7:30 pm in Hindle Auditorium
Fri 9/18 |
Final version of Paper #1 due at 4:00 pm
Mon 9/21 |
The flood in New Orleans and Herbert Hoover's role
Read: Rising Tide, Chapters 17 - 23 (pp 211 - 290)
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Wed 9/23 |
Will Percy's role
Read: Lanterns on the Levee, Chapters 1 - 3 (pp 1 - 34)
Read: Rising Tide, Chapters 24 - 27 (pp 291 - 336)
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Mon 9/28 |
Who was Will Percy?
Read: Lanterns on the Levee, pp 72 - 75 and Chapters 11 - 13 (pp 113 - 155)
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Tues 9/29 |
Dinner at President Crutcher's house, 6:00 - 7:00 pm |
Wed 9/30 |
The 1927 flood from Will Percy's perspective
Read: Lanterns on the Levee, Chapters 18 - 20 (pp 225 - 269) and pp 282 - 284
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Outline of Paper #2 due in class
Mon 10/5 |
The response in New Orleans and Hoover's actions
Read: Rising Tide, Chapters 28 - 33 (pp 337 - 395)
Read: LeRoy Percy's speech against the Klan and articles from
the Chicago Defender and Pittsburgh Courier posted in onCourse
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Wed 10/7 |
Movie day! Power outage - We'll reschedule.
Fri 10/9 |
Draft of Paper #2 due before you leave for Break
Paul Karasik Lecture: The Language of Comics, 5:00 pm in Holman Room, Mary Lyon
Mon 10/12 |
Fall Break No Classes |
Wed 10/14 |
The lasting effects of the 1927 flood and the timeline of Hurricane Katrina
Read: Rising Tide, Chapters 34 - 35, Appendix (pp 396 - 426)
Read: Lanterns on the Levee, Chapters 23, 24, 27 (pp 298 - 321, 344 - 348)
Read: Interactive Katrina timeline from the Sun-Herald
Read: Katrina timeline from the Times-Picayune
Watch: Timeline of the levee breaks in New Orleans
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Wed 10/14 Thur 10/15 Fri 10/16 |
Individual meetings to discuss Draft of Paper #2 |
Mon 10/19 |
Your Documentary Project and where we go for the rest of the semester
Wed 10/21 |
Sample documentaries and iMovie training
Final version of Paper #2 due in class
Mon 10/26 |
Conducting interviews for your documentary
Group report on community in your documentary
Wed 10/28 |
When the Levees Broke, Act I
Advising Week for registration for Spring 2010 Semester |
Mon 11/2 |
Levees in New Orleans and the degradation of wetlands in Louisiana
Read: Drowning New Orleans by Mark Fischetti, Scientific American, October 2001, and Protecting New Orleans by Mark Fischetti, Scientific American, February 2006. These are available through the Library's electronic resources
Read: The Letter From Team Louisiana, the Letter From Secretary Bradberry, and the Executive Summary of the Team Louisiana report The Failure of the New Orleans Levee System during Hurricane Katrina at the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development site
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Display images for documentaries in class
Lecture by Lynn Dupont, principal planner and GIS manager for the New Orleans Regional Planning Commission
7:00 pm, Hindle Auditorium |
Wed 11/4 |
Guest Lecture by Dr. Robert Potter of Roger Williams Univeristy
Sun 11/8 |
Gumbo! Red beans & rice! Cornbread! in Mansfield |
Mon 11/9 |
When the Levees Broke, Act II
Wed 11/11 |
Hurricane preparedness
Read: Unnatural Disaster: Executive Summary published in 2005 by the Center for Progressive Reform. You can also
download (but don't print!) the full report from the same site. The footnotes are remarkable.
Read: In storm, N.O. wants no one left behind, by Bruce Nolan in the Times-Picayune, July 24, 2005. You can access this through the Library's electronic resources.
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Preview documentaries in class
Mon 11/16 |
What should be rebuilt?
Read: The Battle for Biloxi, by Jim Lewis in the New York Times Magazine, May 21, 2006
Read: Greater Transparency and Oversight of Wind and Flood Damage Determinations Are Needed, the Government Accountability Office report to Congress, December 2007.
This is a fairly long document that you can skim, but be sure to read in detail through the section "Results in Brief" that ends in the middle of page 6, the short section "Conclusions", and "Appendix II: Comments from the Department of Homeland Security"
Read: The prepared remarks from Bill Stallworth,
Executive Director, East Biloxi Coordination and Relief Center, to subcommittees of the House and Senate Committees on Homeland Security, July 26, 2008
Read: Corps starts $1B barrier for western New Orleans from the Associate Press, November 3, 2009
All readings are posted at onCourse.
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Wed 11/18 |
Screening and discussion of documentaries
Mon 11/23 |
Movie day - Rescheduled from 10/7
Wed 11/25 |
Thanksgiving Break No Class |
Mon 11/30 |
When the Levees Broke, Act IV, and discussion
Wed 12/2 |
Living in New Orleans in the aftermath
Read: Seven columns by Chris Rose that appeared in the Times Picayune between December 2005 and January 2008, posted at onCourse.
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Draft of Paper #3 due in class, if you want feedback on draft
Thur 12/3 Fri 12/4 Mon 12/7 |
Individual meetings to discuss Draft of Paper #3 |
Mon 12/7 |
Rebuilding in at-risk areas
Read: The Dutch strive to make their country 'climate proof' from the New York Times, June 1, 2009, posted at onCourse
Read: The meaning of the butterfly from the Boston Globe, June 8, 2008, posted at onCourse
Read: Houses of the Future in the November 2009 issue of The Atlantic
Read: Brad Pitt's Make It Right Foundation Unveils Floating House at
Listen: Allegations of Racism, Classism Rattle New Orleans Community from August 26, 2009, at
Listen: Revived La. Parish Faces Fight Over Race from November 19, 2009, at
Reading response due Submit through Wheaton onCourse
Wed 12/9 |
Wrapping up the semester
Fri 12/11 |
Final version of Paper #3 due at 4:00 pm