T Ratliff Wheaton College
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Math 301 - Real Analysis - Fall 2007

Be sure to check back, because this will be modified and updated during the semester.
Last modified: November 30, 2007 4:12 PM

You should obviously read the sections listed for each day, and any additional reading assignments are listed in dark red. All readings are from Understanding Analysis by Stephen Abbott.

Wednesday   Friday

8/29 Welcome to Real Analysis 8/31 1.2 Some preliminaries
Sections 1.1 & 1.6
9/3 Labor Day 9/5 1.3 The Axiom of Completeness
9/7 1.4 Consequences of Completeness
9/10 1.4 Consequences of Completeness
Reread Section 1.4
9/12 1.5 Cantor's Theorem 9/14 2.2 The Limit of a Sequence
Sections 2.1 & 2.9
9/17 2.2 The Limit of a Sequence 9/19 2.3 The Algebraic and Order Limit Theorems 9/21 More w/ Convergence of Sequences
9/24 2.4 The Monotone Convergence Theorem 9/26 2.5 Subsequences and the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem 9/28 2.6 The Cauchy Criterion
10/1 2.7 Properties of Infinite Series 10/3 3.2 Open and Closed Sets
Sections 3.1 & 3.6
10/5 3.2 Continued
Exam 1 Due
10/8 Fall Break 10/10 4.1 Examples of Dirichlet & Thomae 10/12 4.2 Functional Limits
10/15 4.3 Combinations of Continuous Functions 10/17 3.3 Compact Sets
4.4 Continuous Functions on Compact Sets
10/19 Homework Presentation
10/22 4.4 Continued 10/24 5.1 Are Derivatives Continuous?
5.2 Derivatives and the Intermediate Value Property
10/26 5.2 Continued
10/29 Cleaning up a few loose ends 10/31 Continued 11/2 5.3 The Mean Value Theorem
11/5 5.4 A Continous Nowhere-Differentiable Function 11/7 6.2 Uniform Convergence of a Sequence of Functions 11/9 6.2 Continued
11/12 6.3 Uniform Convergence and Differentiation 11/14 6.4 Series of Functions 11/16 Homework Presentation
11/19 6.5 Power Series 11/21 Thanksgiving Break 11/23  
11/26 6.5 Continued 11/28 7.2 The Definition of the Riemann Integral 11/30

7.3 Integrating FUnctions with Discontinuities
Exam 2 Due

12/3 7.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 12/5   12/7  

Final Exam Due Wednesday, December 12, 5:00 pm

  Maintained by Tommy Ratliff ratliff_thomas@wheatoncollege.edu
Last Modified May 7, 2009 10:14 PM