Math 104 - Calculus II
Reading Assignments - November & December 2004

Be sure to check back, because this may change during the semester.
(Last modified: Wednesday, November 24, 2004, 8:59 AM )

I'll use Maple syntax for mathematical notation on this page.
All numbers indicate sections from Ostebee/Zorn, Vol 2, 2nd Edition.

For Monday November 1

Section 11.2 Infinite Series, Convergence, and Divergence

To read : Through Example 4. This can be tough going.

Be sure to understand : The sections "Why series matter: A look ahead" and "Definitions and terminology".

Reading Questions :

  1. There are two sequences associated with every series. What are they?
  2. Does the geometric series Sigma (1/4)k converge or diverge? Why?

For Wednesday November 3

Section 11.2 Infinite Series, Convergence, and Divergence

To read : Finish the section and reread through Example 4.

Be sure to understand : The nth term test.

Reading Questions : What does the nth Term Test tell you about each series? Explain.

  1. Sigma 2k
  2. Sigma 1/k

For Friday November 5

Section 11.3 Testing for Convergence; Estimating Limits

To read : Through Example 5.

Be sure to understand : The statements of the Comparison test and Integral test for non-negative series.

Reading Question :

    Explain in a couple of sentences why you think the Comparison Test should hold.

For Monday November 8

Section 11.3 Testing for Convergence; Estimating Limits

To read : Finish the section for today.

Be sure to understand : The statement of the Ratio test.

Reading Question:

    What does the Ratio test remind you of?

For Wednesday November 10

Work on Group Project 2. No Reading Assignment for today.

For Friday November 12

Section 11.4 Absolute Convergence; Alternating Series

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The statement of the Alternating series test.

Reading Questions :

  1. Give an example of a series that is conditionally convergent. Explain.
  2. Give an example of a series that is absolutely convergent. Explain.

For Monday November 15

Section 11.4 Absolute Convergence; Alternating Series

Reread the section for today, but no Reading Questions.

For Wednesday November 17

Section 11.5 Power Series

To read : All

Be sure to understand : Examples 4 and 5.

Reading Questions :

  1. How do power series differ from the series we have looked at up to this point?
  2. What is the interval of convergence of a power series? Explain in your own words.

For Friday November 19

Section 11.5 Power Series
Reread the section, but no Reading Questions for today.

For Monday November 22

Section 11.6 Power Series as Functions

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The section "Writing known functions as power series"

Reading Question :

    Give two good reasons for writing a known function ( such as cos(x) ) as a power series.

For Monday November 29

Section 11.6 Power Series as Functions
Reread the section, but no Reading Questions for today.

For Wednesday December 1

The Big Picture before Exam 3. No Reading Assignment for today.

For Friday December 3

We'll talk about why Sigma 1/k2 = Pi2/6 today. No Reading Assignment.

For Monday December 6

Section 10.3 Improper Integrals and Probability

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The sections "The normal density function" and "Why Z-scores work: Substitution in definite integrals"

Reading Questions :

  1. Is it possible that f(x)=sin(x) is the probability density function associated with a continuous random variable? Why or why not?
  2. Explain in your own words the connection between a continuous random variable X and its probability density function f.
  3. Do you think the annual income of all wage earners in the United States is normally distributed? Explain.

For Wednesday December 8

Section V.2 Polar Coordinates and Polar Curves

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The sections "Polar coordinate systems" and "Drawing polar graphs"

Reading Questions :

  1. A point in polar coordinates is given by (r,theta). Explain what r measures and what theta measures.
  2. Do all polar graphs pass the vertical line test?

For Friday December 10

Section V.3 Calculus in Polar Coordinates

To read : The section "Finding area in polar coordinates" beginning on page V-23.

Be sure to understand : The Fact on page V-24.

Reading Question :

    In rectangular coordinates, we used rectangles to approximate the area under a curve. What shape do we use for polar coordinates?

For Monday December 13

The REALLY BIG PICTURE for the course. No Reading Assignment.

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Last modified: Wednesday, November 24, 2004, 8:59 AM