Math 104 - Calculus II
Reading Assignments - September 2002

Be sure to check back, because this may change during the semester.
(Last modified: Tuesday, August 13, 2002, 9:54 AM )

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All numbers indicate sections from Ostebee/Zorn, Vol 2, 2nd Edition.

For September 6

Section 5.1 Areas and Integrals
Section 5.2 The Area Function
Section 5.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Section 3.4 Inverse Functions and Their Derivatives

To read : Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 should be review, so you can skim these to remind yourself of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
You can skim the beginning of Section 3.4, but read the section Working with inverse trigonometric functions beginning on page S-8 carefully.

Be sure to understand : The statements of both forms of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The derivatives of the inverse trig functions.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/6 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. What is the domain of the function arccos(x)? Why?
  2. Why do you think we studying the inverse trig functions now?
  3. Find one antiderivative of 1 / (1+x2).

For September 9

Section 5.4 Finding Antiderivatives; The Method of Substitution

To read : All

Be sure to understand : Examples 6, 7, 9, and 13

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/9 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. Explain the difference between a definite integral and an indefinite integral.
  2. What are the three steps in the process of substitution?
  3. Substitution attempts to undo one of the techniques of differentiation. Which one is it?

For September 11

Section 5.6 Approximating Sums; The Integral as a Limit

To read : All

Be sure to understand :

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/11 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. When approximating an integral, which would you expect to be more accurate, L10 or L100? Why?
  2. Give an example of a partition of the interval [0,3].
  3. Explain the idea of a Riemann sum in your own words.

For September 13

Section 6.1 Approximating Integrals Numerically

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The statements of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/13 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. Why would we ever want to approximate an integral?
  2. Let f(x)=x2 and I=int( f(x), x= -1. . 2). Does Theorem 1 apply to I? Explain.
  3. Let f(x)=x2 and I=int( f(x), x= -1. . 2). Does Theorem 2 apply to I? Explain.

For September 16

Section 6.2 Error Bounds for Approximating Sums

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The statement of Theorem 3 and Example 6.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/16 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. Explain in words what K1 is in Theorem 3.
  2. Explain in words what K2 is in Theorem 3.
  3. Find values for K1 and K2 for int( x3, x= -1. . 2).

For September 18

Section 6.2 Error Bounds for Approximating Sums

To read : Reread the section for today.

Be sure to understand : Example 7.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/18 Your Name

Reading Question :

    How many subdivisions does the trapezoid method require to approximate int( cos(x3), x = 0. . 1) with error less than 0.0001?

For September 20

Work on Group Project 1. No Reading Assignment for today.

For September 23

Section 6.3 Euler's Method: Solving DEs Numerically

To read : All

Be sure to understand : Examples 1 and 2.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/23 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. How do DEs differ from "regular" equations?
  2. Explain the idea of Euler's Method in your own words.

For September 25

Section 7.1 Measurement and the Definite Integral; Arc Length

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The Fact on page 416, Example 5, the Fact on page 419, and Example 8.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/25 Your Name

Reading Questions :
Let f(x)=sin(x)+10 and g(x)=2x-5.

  1. Set up the integral that determines the area of the region bounded by y=f(x) and y=g(x) between x=-1 and x=3.
  2. Set up the integral that gives the length of the curve y=g(x) from x=-1 to x=3.

For September 27

Section 7.2 Finding Volumes by Integration

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The section Solids of revolution

Email Subject Line : Math 104 9/27 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. Let R be the rectangle formed by the x-axis, the y-axis, and the lines y=1 and x=3. What is the shape of the solid formed when R is rotated about the x-axis?
  2. Let T be the triangle formed by the lines y=x, x=1 and the x-axis. What is the shape of the solid formed when T is rotated about the x-axis?

For September 30

Section 7.2 Finding Volumes by Integration

To read : Reread the section, but no Reading Questions for today.

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Last modified: Tuesday, August 13, 2002, 9:54 AM