Math 104 - Calculus II
Reading Assignments - October 2002

Be sure to check back, because this may change during the semester.
(Last modified: Thursday, October 24, 2002, 3:19 PM )

I'll use Maple syntax for mathematical notation on this page.
All numbers indicate sections from Ostebee/Zorn, Vol 2, 2nd Edition.

For October 2

The Big Picture before Exam 1. No Reading Assignment for today.

For October 4

Section 7.3 Work

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The section Work as an integral and Examples 2 and 3.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 10/4 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. What simplifying assumptions are made in this section? Are these completely realistic?
  2. Why do we need to use calculus to calculate work when the force varies?

For October 7

Section 8.1 Integration by Parts

To read : All

Be sure to understand : Theorem 1. Be warned that Examples 8 and 9 can be a little slippery.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 10/7 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. Integration by parts attempts to undo one of the techniques of differentiation. Which one is it?
  2. Pick values for u and dv in the integral int( x * sin(x), x). Use parts to find an antiderivative for x * sin(x).

For October 9

Section 8.1 Integration by Parts

To read : Reread the section for today

Email Subject Line : Math 104 10/9 Your Name

Reading Questions : Each integral can be evaluated using u-substitution or integration by parts. Which technique would you use in each case? You do not need to evaluate the integral, but explain your choice.

  1. int( x*cos(x), x)
  2. int(x*cos(x2),x)

For October 11

Section 9.1 Taylor Polynomials

To read : All, but you can skip the section Trigonometric polynomials: Another nice family.

Be sure to understand : The statement of Theorem 1, Example 7, and the definition of the Taylor polynomial.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 10/11 Your Name

Reading Question :

    Explain the basic idea of the Taylor polynomial for a function f(x) at x=x0 in your own words.

For October 14

Fall Break. No Reading Assignment.

For October 16

Section 9.2 Taylor's Theorem: Accuracy Guarantees for Taylor Polynomials

To read : All, but you can skip the section Proving Taylor's theorem.

Be sure to understand : The statement of Theorem 2 and Examples 2 and 3.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 10/16 Your Name

Reading Questions :

    What is the point of Theorem 2? Explain in your own words.

For October 18

Antidifferentiation Exam today. No Reading Assignment.

For October 21

Section 10.1 Improper Integrals: Ideas and Definitions

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The section Convergence and divergence: Formal definitions and Examples 1 - 5.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 10/21 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. What are the two ways in which an integral may be improper?
  2. Explain why int( 1/x2, x=1..infty) is improper.
  3. Explain why int( 1/x2, x=0..1) is improper.

For October 23

No Reading Assignment for today.

For October 25

Work on Group Project 2. No Reading Assignment for today.

For October 28

Section 10.2 Detecting Convergence, Estimating Limits

To read : All

Be sure to understand : The statements of Theorems 1 and 2 and Example 4.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 10/28 Your Name

Reading Questions :

  1. If 0 < f(x) < g(x) and int( g(x), x=1. . infty) converges, will int(f(x), x=1. .infty) converge or diverge? Why?
  2. There are two types of errors that arise in Example 4 for approximating int( 1/(x5 +1), x=1..infty). What are the two types?

For October 30

Section 10.2 Detecting Convergence, Estimating Limits

To read : Reread the section for today.

Be sure to understand : Example 5.

Email Subject Line : Math 104 10/30 Your Name

Reading Questions : Suppose that 0 < f(x) < g(x).

  1. If int(f(x), x=1. .infty) diverges, what can you conclude about int( g(x), x=1. . infty)?
  2. If int(g(x), x=1. .infty) diverges, what can you conclude about int( f(x), x=1. . infty)?
  3. If int(f(x), x=1. .infty) converges, what can you conclude about int( g(x), x=1. . infty)?

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Last modified: Thursday, October 24, 2002, 3:19 PM