Math 141 - Introductory Statistics - Reading Assignments
April 2001

Be sure to check back every so often, because this may change during the semester.
(Last modified: Friday, January 5, 2001, 10:09 AM )

All numbers indicate sections from The Basic Practice of Statistics, Second Edition.

For Monday April 2

Section 2.5 Relations in Categorical Data
Section 8.1 Inference for a Population Proportion

To read : All of Sections 2.5 and 8.1

Be sure to understand :
Examples 2.22 and 2.23
The sections "Assumptions for Inference" and "The z procedures"
Example 8.4

Email Subject Line : Math 141 4/2 Your Name

Reading Questions : Apply Your Knowledge 2.72 and 8.7

For Wednesday April 4

Section 8.2 Comparing Two Proportions

To read : All of Section 8.2

Be sure to understand :
Examples 8.9 and 8.10
"Confidence intervals for comparing two proportions" (pg 449)
"Significance test for comparing two proportions" (pg 453)

Email Subject Line : Math 141 4/4 Your Name

Reading Questions : Apply Your Knowledge 8.24

For Monday April 9

Recap of the last few weeks. No Reading Assignment today.

For Wednesday April 11

Section 9.1 Two-Way Tables
Section 9.2 The Chi-Square Test

To read : Introduction to Chapter 9 and all of Sections 9.1 and 9.2

Be sure to understand :
The section "The problem of multiple comparisons"
The definitions of expected counts and the chi-square statistic
The section "The chi-square distributions"

Email Subject Line : Math 141 4/11 Your Name

Reading Questions : Apply Your Knowledge 9.1abde and 9.3

For Monday April 16

Section 9.2 The Chi-Square Test

To read : Reread Section 9.2

Email Subject Line : Math 141 4/16 Your Name

Reading Questions : Apply Your Knowledge 9.8

For Wednesday April 18

Exam 3 today. No Reading Assignment.

Remainder of Semester

We will recap the semester and you will give your project presentations, so there are no specific reading assignments to email.

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Last modified: Friday, January 5, 2001, 10:09 AM