You will have a reading assignment for nearly every class meeting. Each assignment will have two or three questions that
you should be able to answer after you have done the reading.
You will receive either 0 or 1 on each assignment. If I feel that you
have not made a serious effort on an assignment, I'll warn you that
you will receive no credit on future assignments that are
You must write your answers in complete sentences.
Every question implicitly ends with ``Explain your answer.''
You must submit your answers to me via email
by 9:30 a.m. on the day of class!!
Remember that my email address is
In order to receive credit,
you must send me email from your account.
For Calc II, you must
give your message the subject line
Math 104 - Due Date - Your Name
and for Linear Algebra,
you must
give your message the subject line
Math 221 - Due Date - Your Name
For example, for the reading assignment for Calc II on September 10, I would use the
subject line
Math 104 9/10 Tommy Ratliff
If you use the correct subject line, you will receive an automatic reply that I have
downloaded your reading assignment to my office computer. You may not get this message until the morning of class when I check my email in my office.
If the network is down, you may write out your answers for me on paper and
turn it in at the beginning of class.