One of the recurring themes throughout the semester is the process of approximation: Although you may not be able to find a solution exactly, in most cases a good approximation serves just as well. One of the beautiful aspects of calculus is that quite often, by taking better and better approximations you can find a precise solution.
We will begin the semester by reviewing some material on functions, graphs, and logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions. Next, we will study the very rich graphical relationship between a function f and its derivative f '. We will then begin the quest for finding algebraic expressions for f '. For example, if f(x)=(e^x)*sin(x), what is a formula for f '(x)? We will develop several important tools, called the product rule, the quotient rule, and the chain rule, that will allow us to calculate the derivative of almost every function we will encounter. Armed with these tools, we will be able to tackle several applications, such as finding the optimal size of a soup can to minimize cost or modeling the growth of a population and predicting its size in the future.
We will take a brief break from finding derivatives to consider carefully what it means for a function to be continuous and what it means for a function to have a derivative. There are three very important theorems that will come out of these considerations: the Intermediate Value Theorem, the Extreme Value Theorem, and the Mean Value Theorem.
Next, we will look at a question that is seemingly unrelated to the derivative. As a particular example, we will ask, what is the area of the region that is bounded by the curve y=sin(x) and the x-axis between x=0 and x=Pi?
One of the most beautiful connections in mathematics is that this question is fundamentally related to finding a function whose derivative is sin(x).
The class will be structured with some lectures to emphasize particular topics, but much of the time will be spent on in-class group work. The class meetings are not intended to be a complete encapsulation of the course material -- There will be material in the text for which you are responsible that we will not cover in class.
You will have a reading assignment for nearly every class meeting, and it is extremely important that you complete the reading before class!
3 Exams | 40% |
Differentiation Exam | 10% |
Comprehensive Final Exam | 15% |
3 Group Projects | 20% |
Homework & In-Class Worksheets | 10% |
Reading Assignments | 5% |
The Differentiation Exam will be given in class on April 4. If you pass the Exam (or any version of it) on or before April 16, you will receive the full 10% credit. After that date (until the end of classes on May 6), you will receive 5%. You are not allowed to take the exam after the end of classes!!
One of the main goals of the projects is that you learn to communicate mathematics precisely, both verbally within your group and in writing. The reports should be written in complete sentences explaining the results and major ideas involved. You may divide the writing of the report in whatever way is agreeable to the group, but everyone should completely understand the whole of the paper. Further, each member should proofread the entire paper for consistency and typos.
All members of the group will receive the same grade on the project. I will ask each person to give a confidential evaluation of the contributions made by all members of the group. In extreme circumstances, I reserve the right to give different grades to members of the same group.
I will give you a handout that explains my expectations for the written reports in more detail.
The homework assignments will alternate between Individual assignments and Group assignments. For the Group assignments, you will work in groups of two or three (of your choosing), each group will turn in one paper, and all members of the group will receive the same grade. On each assignment, one student will be designated as the primary author who writes-up the solutions. The role of primary author must rotate among the members of the group.
For the Individual assignments, I encourage you to work with other students, but each person turns in a separate paper.
Here are a few guidelines for the presentation of your homework. If you do not follow these, I reserve the right to return your homework ungraded!
Write your solutions so that you could hand them to another Calculus I student and they could understand your explanation.
The homework is due in my office by 4:00 on the due date. Be aware that
See the Guidelines for Submitting Reading Assignments for more information.
If you want to know check on your grade at any time during the semester, please ask me and I can give you a rough idea of your current standing.