Math 236 - Multivariable Calculus
Guidelines for Submitting Reading Assignments
- You will have a reading assignment for nearly every class meeting.
Each assignment will indicate which parts of the section are
especially important and which can be skipped.
- Your assignment is to email me three or more questions that you
have from the reading. Your questions should be very specific, such
as ``On page 5, in the second paragraph, why are the solutions to
x=0 the points (0,y,z)'' rather than ``I didn't understand any of
- Your email is due by 5:00pm on the day before class. For
example, your questions for Wednesday's class are due by 5:00 on
Tuesday. This gives me some time to think about your questions
before class.
- You will receive either 0 or 1 on each assignment. If I feel that you
have not made a serious effort on an assignment, I'll warn you that
you will receive no credit on future assignments that are
- You must write your questions in complete sentences.
- Remember that my email address is tratliff.
- In order to receive credit,
you must send me email from your account and you must
give your message the subject line
Math 236 Due Date Your Name
For example, for the reading assignment for Friday, I would use the
subject line
Math 236 9/5 Tommy Ratliff
If the network is down, you may write out your answers for me and
turn it in at the beginning of class.
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Layout by Tommy Ratliff,
Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts
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